Tenina.com's Dark Chocolate with Pink Salt Crumble Topping



  1. Place the cacao nibs and nuts onto a lined tray and into a cold oven set to 200°C. Roast for exactly 10 minutes. They will be very fragrant and just browning. Cool slightly. Reduce the oven to 170°C.

  2. Place cooled nibs, nuts, chia seeds, coconut sugar, salt, cocoa and rolled oats into the Thermomix bowl and chop 0.5 sec x 4/turbo pulse. Set aside in a large mixing bowl.

  3. Place coconut oil, vanilla and honey into the Thermomix bowl and melt 4 min/60°C/speed 2.

  4. Pour over the nut mixture and stir to combine. Spread out onto a lined baking tray and bake 20-25 minutes until fragrant and toasty. Cool.

  5. Add the coconut and chopped chocolate to taste.

  6. Use as desired on top of cooked fruit as a crumble, or go wild and serve as a topping for pancakes, porridge, custard, chocolate pudding. Store in an airtight jar until use. It is pretty good in front of Netflix too I might add...straight from the jar.

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