Tenina.com's Thermomix Lemon Olive Oil Cake



  1. Preheat oven to 180°C and oil and line a 20 x 30cm cake tin with the paper up above the sides for easy removal.

  2. Place sugar and eggs into the Thermomix bowl and whip 5 min/37°C/Butterfly/speed 3/MC off.

  3. Remove Butterfly.

  4. Add juice, oils, milk and baking powder and blend 20 sec/speed 4.

  5. Add flour and combine 12 sec/Interval. Finish combining using a spatula if necessary.

  6. Spread batter into prepared tin and bake 45 minutes until golden and bouncing back when pressed with your finger.

  7. Mix enough icing sugar with lemon juice and lemon oil to make a thick paste and drizzle over the top of the warm cake if desired.

  8. You can make this cake in two round 17cm tins if you want and layer them. Cooking time may vary.


No Doterra oil in your pantry? Just use the zest of 1 or two lemons, finely grated, in place of the oils. The Doterra oil is literally the oil of the lemon skin in concentrated form, with no skin at all. Just pure oil.

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