Tenina.com's Thermomix Low Carb Cooked Rice



  1. Weigh the rice into the simmering basket. A good rule of thumb is approximately 60-70g uncooked rice per serving. Do not exceed 400g.

  2. Rinse under running water until water runs clear. This removes the surface starch on the grains and will give you a fluffier result.

  3. Insert basket into the Thermomix bowl and add whey or water over the top of the rice. Add a pinch of salt on top of the rice. Tip the bowl to make sure you can see the water when the bowl is on the angle. If you cannot, you need to add more water until you can.

  4. Steam 14 min/100°C/speed 4/spatter guard. If you do not have a spatter guard, it is best to place the Varoma dish on top of the lid rather than the MC.

  5. When rice is cooked, remove the basket from the bowl and tip into a Thermo Server or insulated serving bowl, add coconut oil, fluff with a fork and serve. Adding the oil after cooking is preferable here as it will just disappear into the steaming water if you add it during cooking time.

  6. To gain the most benefit from the addition of coconut oil, you will need to let the rice cool completely for up to 12 hours. Then reheat before serving as you would any other rice.

  7. TO REHEAT in the Thermomix, return the cold rice to the simmering basket making sure it is not packed in too tightly. Add water to the Thermomix bowl (do not run the water over the rice.) Steam 20 min/100°C/speed 4. Serve. This sounds like a long time, but for some reason it takes way longer than cooking it in the regular manner. As a hint, I now leave the rice in the simmering basket after cooking, place it into a Thermoserver and stir the coconut oil through, then let it cool still in the simmering basket. It seems to expand! So unless you are using some of the cooked rice immediately, I think doing it this way will save you some time and grief.

  8. Brown, Red, Black or Wild Rice:

  9. Follow instructions for weighing and rinsing rice. Steam 30 min/100°C/speed 4/spatter guard. If the wild rice outer husk has not broken revealing the inner fluffy grain, then you will need to keep cooking. You will recognise this over time as you cook this type of rice. It can vary based on how long the rice has been stored both in the store and your pantry.

  10. Proceed with recipes of choice.

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