Whey and Ways to Use it!

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Liquid whey is like liquid gold as far as nutritional benefits go. There is only one way to get it and that it is to make it yourself.

You cannot purchase liquid whey. You can 'harvest' it from yoghurt that you purchase, or you can create it yourself. We have recently been making our own cheeses for the Insider Club recipes with videos. We LOVE it, but as we experimented and tested we did end up with copious amounts of whey. I did not throw it out. It is a miracle food and you need to get across this amazing healthy product. If you have ever considered joining me on the Insider Club, this is the time to do so, to access these amazing recipes that will have you bouncing around with health and energy!

Here is a somewhat short list of the many 'wheys' to use whey.

Culture foods: Whey can be used to lacto-ferment all sorts of foods, including ketchup, mayonnaise, beetroot, cabbage, and carrots.

Soak whole grains: Soak grains before grinding or cooking to boost their nutrition and make grains easier to digest.

Soak oats: Soaking oats overnight helps with digestion. Consider doing this before making Peanut Butter Overnight Oats or Perfect Overnight Steel Cut Oats.

Soak beans: Your digestive system benefits from beans being soaked before cooking. Swap your acid medium and add whey, or feel free to add to your soaking liquid.

Soak nuts: For the same reasons above or use in nut milks rather than water! I'm feeling healthier as I write this!

Tenderise meat: Swap whey for any vinegar in a traditional meat marinade. Be aware that whey will add tang, so adjust seasonings accordingly.

Yeast Bread. If you’re not ready to make sourdough yet, use whey as the liquid in any fresh bread to get that classic (almost) sourdough flavor. I suggest starting with No-Knead Bread with a Pre-Ferment.

Pizza Dough: Use in place of water in my favorite pizza dough recipe.

Rice: Use whey instead of water when making rice. Although the heat will kill some of the live enzymes, you’ll still retain the nutrients since rice absorbs all the liquid.

Pasta: Swap whey for water to cook pasta and like the rice, the pasta will absorb some nutrients from the whey.

Pancakes: Use in place of some of the milk in Fluffy Pancakes or in any of the many pancake recipes we have on this site.

Waffles: My Blender Oatey Cinnamon Waffles calls for water, but you can easily substitute any whey you have.

Quick Bread: Think Pumpkin Bread or Notella Banana Bread and any other baking recipe.

Sourdough Discard Recipes: Sourdough Pancakes and Lemon Sourdough Cake both use milk, but using a little whey will add an extra tangy flavour.

Buttermilk Substitute: Swap whey for buttermilk in American Style Biscuits, Pancakes, Waffles, and even Cheesy Cornbread Muffins.

Milk Substitute: Uses for whey in recipes that call for milk to make sauces, like Chicken Alfredo Lasagne or Mac N Cheese.

Salad Dressings: Both Ranch Dressing and Caesar Salad Dressing call for lemon juice or vinegar, but you can substitute whey.

Marinades: Most marinades call for some sort of acid. Use whey for some or all of the acid for a twist on flavor.

Smoothies: Use it as the liquid base in any smoothie recipe and naturally give a boost in protein.

Chicken Bone Broth: Substitute for the apple cider vinegar and up to half of the water.

Gravy: Use whey to replace the water or some of the liquid stock.

Substitute for lemon juice: Whey tastes much like lemon, so it makes a great substitution in recipes or cocktails.

Lemon-Whey Pie:
If you can use whey in place of lemon juice, why not try it for dessert?

Lemonade: LactoProBiotic Lemonade

Ginger Ale: Replace the water with whey or a portion of it if you don't have enough.

Fruit Sodas: The Swiss drink Rivella is made almost entirely from whey. Those funny Swiss peeps and their amazing dairy! We love it. We are working on a recipe now for this drink. Stay tuned.






By making any of the above recipes as listed, you will generate a lot of whey. Store it in sterilised jars in the fridge, or freeze it into ice cubes and keep indefinitely. Use as directed in any of the recipes I have linked above. Or get creative and use in any place you would normally use water or ice in smoothies, desserts, soups etc.

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Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!