8 Christmas Dishes You Can't Do Without.
8 Christmas Dishes You Can't Do Without.
The must haves for the Festive Season. Put them on your menu for fuss free Christmas cooking!
Don't hate me. I don't have my tree up or anything. But I do love to get organised for Christmas way in advance as I find that makes life a little less stressful. This time last year (2017) we were in full wedding swing, getting the family in from all over the world and planning feast after feast, let alone the wedding plans that were afoot. (Think cake, think grazing table, think what do I wear, where do I put everybody, etc etc.)
This year is not a lot different, we have another wedding but not until February. I do have to have a knee surgery however, and we are travelling to Europe to meet our number 6 grand child who was born in late August. Sadly I may be on crutches, but life doesn't stop for a sore knee!!
ANYHOO, I am planning a couple of Christmas get togethers before we trek off to a snowy Christmas and then a snowy wedding.
These are the must haves in my household for your Christmas joy! Perhaps a practice run or two might be in order. It is only a month away.
Since the dawn of Christmas in our house, and way before there was a Thermomix in sight, we have been having this delicious nibble each and every year. The now famed Almond Cheeseball! It is the most requested dish from friends. 'Oh. and Tenina, can you bring that cheeseball thingy you make?' Every year. It makes 2, so I happily comply. One for them and one for us. It is an Insider recipe, (which membership, by the way, would make a great self love Chrissy present for you.)
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What is Christmas dinner without the perfectly glazed ham? This recipe dates a long way back to. Put it on your list and make sure you get the jam made well in advance. You can do that now!
I'm not going to lie. The parsnip carrot and quinoa gratin, doesn't look amazing. (see background of the ham pic above) But I have to say, it is completely delish and if you have any vego's in your party, this will suit them to the ground. It is quite amazing. Give it a try! I totally love it!
If we are talking dessert, (and we certainly should) no Christmas in Australia is complete without a pavlova, ammaright? But they can be a fiddle in the hot weather and you really cannot prep them too far in advance. So I have the perfect solution for ease and less stress, the Pavlova Yoghurt Panna Cotta's. They seriously taste like a pav and if it is the meringue crunch you are after, then garnish with mini meringues, which will stand the distance of early prep and the hot weather.
Speaking of meringue, for something a bit special and pretty impressive, why not get this one organised. Strawberry Meringue Pie with Rose is delicately flavoured, very table worthy for the occasion and is the total package. Good looks as well as great taste!
For a little drinky, when you have a crowd, or just to calm your pre dinner nerves when you are the hostess, I suggest a very big batch of the Pomegranate Sangria. It is easy to throw together at a moment's notice if you have the syrup all organised and plenty of ice. YUMMERS.
The presents are done, dinner is done, the house is relatively quiet, people have left, you are weary but happy and you need a little something to note that the day went well. After Dinner Mints, homemade of course are perfect. (I have been known to call these After Breakfast Mints, but don't judge me). They can be made waaay in advance, keep them frozen, and preferably hidden for safe keeping as once you have one, you may find you will need to make another batch before the big day. You have been warned!
Speaking of breakfast, the last of my must have for Christmas Day round up is the Gratin Egg Cups. Another family fave from a loooong time ago, this recipe is so simple to prep in advance. You do the lot, bar the grilling which you can save for Christmas morning. Ten minutes and the house smells amazing, and everyone is tucking in. Delicious! I know it's not the thing to speak of keto on a Christmas post, but co-incidentally, these fit the bill! (You're welcome, just ignore the other recipes I have posted in this article!!)
Start the menu planning now, you will thank me for it as the day draws near. It is fun to whip a storm when you have most of it prepped ahead of time. Let's enjoy it all this year shall we mum?
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Tenina Holder
Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!