A Break Up Letter To Economy Air Travel
A Break Up Letter To Economy Air Travel
Having travelled business class to Europe recently, I have decided that Economy and I are no longer compatible. Singapore Airlines I love Business class
SO....if you keep up with me on social media, you will know that I recently travelled to Europe....on Singapore Airlines. Business class. Oh MY!
Dear Economy,
I am sorry to say, after 30 years of being together, we are going to have to break up.
It’s not you, it’s me. I finally got the chance to fly Business class on Singapore Airlines, and well...that is it. You and I Economy can never be happy together again. It’s pretty simple.
It’s just that I got to have priority check in, no waiting in line...at all.
The lovely staff tagged my bags with priority tags. I had no understanding of the meaning of this until later...at the other end of my journey in fact. But I will get to that.
Instead of squishing between the large overflowing man with too much hand luggage and the lady with the crying child in the gate lounge, I swanned into the KrisFlyer lounge, collapsed into a luxurious leather chair before going and selecting drinks, and all manner of buffet items to suit my every dietary/culinary whim. They called our flight, and we literally walked out of the lounge and onto the flight and a BIG, BIG seat, nay a compartment of my own. I know this is not your fault Economy, but seriously, when the attendant asked to hang my jacket up for me, I was hooked. Big Time. There was no going back.
‘Mrs. Holder, can we take a drink order for after take off for you now?’
‘Mrs. Holder would you like a hot towel?’
‘Mrs. Holder, would you like a doona?’
‘Mrs. Holder what can I get you to read? Paper? Magazine?’
‘Mrs. Holder can we plump your pillows for you?'
“Mrs. Holder don’t you just love Business class?’
"Mrs Holder can we trim your nails/hair/run a bath for you?" (KIdding, but seriously not far from this!)
YES, Yes and oh yes. I do....I want to scream it, but I just nod and smile.
Take off as usual...nothing extra special there Economy, relax, but I did enjoy being served a drink prior to take off. Of course that is not your fault Economy, I get that.
But then the glory of it all became more apparent. The amazing meal service. Service is the right word. Amazing is also the right word.
‘Mrs Holder can we set the table for you please?’
Of course you can, let me just adjust my comfy seat position a little....and turn my luxury headsets down a tad....
The table is laid with a linen table cloth, linen napkin, silver cutlery, a little porcelain salt and pepper shaker and a pat of butter in the shape of a flower. Shall we begin?
- Satay with onion, cucumber and spicy peanut sauce...for starters. Cleared away in a flash as I flick through a selection of movies and entertainment to beat the best collection available!
- Prawn with citrus salad, (pink grapefruit and blood orange with honey mustard dressing.)
Then a choice...hmmm decisions...
- Breaded duck with sweet and sour sauce, broccoli with scallops and steamed rice
- Tournedos of beef with green peppercorn sauce, green beans, baby carrots, cherry tomato tossed in parsley butter with mashed potatoes
- Malabar Fish Curry, (spiced okra with tomato and basmati rice)
- Pan fried chicken with grainy mustard sauce, sauteed spinach, carrots and roasted rosemary potatoes
- Chilled sago mango soup with pomelo
- Double Dutch Chocolate ice cream with berries compote (DIVINE)
- Selection of red cheddar, Delice de Bois and Saint Albray served with garnishes
- A selection of fresh fruit
- Gourmet coffees and selection of fine tea with pralines
Did I mention, this was just one meal Economy?
Special mention needs to be made of the bread basket that came around every meal for my selection. (Oh those divine crackers Singapore Airlines...how do you do it?)
Or dare I forget the amazing Blueberry Pie with Clotted Cream that was outstanding in the field of pastry making? Speaking as a pastry connoisseur, let me tell you all in pretty professional terminology; YUM!
And so it continued.
‘Can we make up your bed for you Mrs. Holder?’
‘Why yes you can!’ Best sleep I have ever had (on a plane).
Now listen Economy, I know we promised no emotional attachments, and it’s not always just about the food...but the bathroom...only slightly bigger admittedly, but a great big full length mirror, cleaned between guest visits, little pointy hotel style folds on the toilet paper, real towels, toiletries and well...just a bit more genteel. (Not that I am blaming you Economy, like I said, it’s not you, it’s me.)
After landing our luggage is literally the very first to arrive on the baggage carousel. (Yay Priority tags.) We are sent (by invitation only) to a fast track lane for immigration processing. OH, how can I ever go back to you Economy? They will have to drag me, I will be sobbing and quite inconsolable throughout any flight whenever we are re-united Economy. I will be peeking through that dividing curtain enviously at what might have been. (And as much as I would like to make this break up permanent, I know and you know, we’ll get back together some time.)
I know we can’t all be princesses, after all someone has to clap when I go by, but please, please, please, Economy, just let me go...for ever...pretty please...
Disclaimer; All these ordinary pics were taken by my iphone in a real hurry as I just wanted to dig in and I was not toting my you beaut camera around Europe! Sorry for that. The lady in the pic is my lovely sister Jenny Lynne. Singapore Airlines have an outstanding Economy service, and no doubt heavenly First Class service. Business class tickets were not sponsored by Singapore Airlines.
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Tenina Holder
Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!