R U OK Day?
R U OK Day?
R U OK? is a harm prevention charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives.

Thursday 9 September marks R U Okay Day in Australia. It's not always easy to keep the conversation going if someone replies with 'no'. Shared food or drink is a great conversation starter.
If we've taken any positives from last year and this year it's that we've really understood the need for and powerful nature of human connections. We've also had to become inventive with how we maintain and nurture them. It's relatively easy to ask someone 'Are you ok?' but what about asking 'Are you really ok?'. If the answer is 'no' it can be even harder to know how to continue the conversation in a meaningful way.
Compassion can start with something as simple as a delivered treat or meal. The sharing of food has always been part of our human story. The association of food and love continues through life. Here I share with you my favourite recipes to create a treat, meal or drink to share with someone that may be doing it tough or that you want to show you care. So sit down, share that nibble or cuppa and connect with those that are near and dear. Invest time into your personal relationships, that conversation could change someone's life.
For more information about R U OK visit https://www.ruok.org.au