Hot Water Pastry

Makes enough for 1 large pie Prep Time 10 minutes   Rated:
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This handy pastry recipe will become a favourite, we are certain. We are already planning our next filling. Read on, then try it yourself!

This pastry is amazing. WE LOVE IT. We are about to finally run our Win A Workshop (workshop) which our lucky Insider Mandy won way back around our birthday. Between the pair of us we have not had a month that worked! SO, video coming soon we hope of Mandy in action. Her chosen private workshop is pastry making and so we thought we would look at the five types of pastry for her to play with and this is just one of them.

The others are;

Choux Pastry

Basic Shortcrust

Laminated pastry for Danishes or Puff Pastry

Filo Pastry which we may or may not cover as we only have half a day to be honest!

We plan on covering as much as possible, but it's going to be tight!

This recipe is sure to show up many times in the future. The original use for this pastry was back in Medieval times when they didn't have plates or bowls to take lunch to work, so a tough (and most likely inedible) pastry was created as both the baking implement for the filling, usually pork or game meats, and as a lunchbox! Pretty clever. This pastry happens to taste pretty good and we loved the fact that it didn't really change or alter during the baking process. So go to town with the decorations, they are going to hold up!

Then stay tuned for further ideas to use this pastry for. Do try this one though; Chicken and Kale Loaf Pie






Place water and butter into the Thermomix bowl. Boil 5 min/100°C/speed 1. Pour into a separate jug (unless you have 2 Thermomix bowls).


Alternatively you can do this step in a saucepan on a medium high heat.


Place flour and salt into a clean, dry Thermomix bowl. Combine 10 sec/speed 6.


Slowly pour the butter mixture into the flour while kneading 1 min/Interval/dough setting.


Wrap dough in a floured silpat mat until ready to use. Dough can be used as soon as it has cooled off significantly.


Roll out 3/4 of the dough to line your pie dish. Fill with desired filling and roll out the remaining dough for the top. Pinching edges together. Make a few slits in the pastry to allow steam to escape. Decorate top if desired.


Brush with egg wash before baking at 180°C for up to an hour or longer, this will depend on your oven and what the filling is made of.

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Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!