
The Secret To Family Meals; Night After Night.
August 2nd 2019
I have been cooking for a few years now. With a Thermomix. Without a Thermomix as well as teaching classes and answering any number of cooking questions across all my social media channels. Guess what I am asked most often? What to cook for dinner, night after night, year after year. Those damn kids insist on dinner every night. Poor mum. Or dad for that matter. Read..

Bone Broth; What Are The Benefits?
July 29th 2019
Bone broth is a liquid created from brewed bones and connective tissues. To make bone broth, people use cow, chicken, and even fish bones. Drinking bone broth may be beneficial for the joints and digestive system, among other things. Read..

Our Spicy Set
July 26th 2019
Not everyone can handle spicy foods, but for those of you who love them, there’s a good reason behind the obsession. When capsaicin – the chemical in spicy foods that makes them so hot, Hot, HOT – hits your tongue, your body registers the sensation as pain. This in turn triggers the release of endorphins, otherwise known as “happy” chemicals that give you an instant head-to-toe feeling of pleasure. Read..

The Humble Crumble
July 12th 2019
I pretty well grew up with Crumble as dessert. Especially in the cold Melbourne winters. And yes, they were humble too. Mostly apple with cinnamon (on a good day) and a buttery, very crumbly floury topping which was delicious. I think we usually slathered it in custard. Made from the powdered variety. (Which I admit I loved!) So what has changed? LOADS. Read..

Cake And Food Positivity
July 1st 2019
I have been writing recipes for a very long time. I have been eating for an even longer time. And despite all the bad press out there about sugar, I still love cake. And the dessert menu is the first thing I check out when dining to see if it is worth saving myself for. My childhood was filled with home made cakes and cookies and bread. My school tuck shop sold the best cream buns on the planet and I am pretty sure they sold awesome donuts too. So what has gone wrong? Read..

Why Eat Gluten Free If You Are Not A Coeliac?
May 29th 2019
A gluten-free diet is the only option for people with celiac disease, a severe gluten intolerance. Now, many people without this condition are 'going gluten free' because they believe it is a healthful option. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale, a combination of wheat and rye. It helps foods such as cereal, bread, and pasta, to hold their shape. Read..

Why Turmeric? Because You Want To Live Healthier For Longer!
May 13th 2019
The magic of turmeric is well documented and we have been using it for years as one of our all time fave ingredients here on in the test kitchen. Here is some of the reasons why! Read..

Getting The Kids On School Lunch Duty!
April 27th 2019
How do you stop school lunches from turning into some sort of science experiment in the bottom of a school bag? Well it can help if they get eaten, day after day. But what is the trick to that? I hear your pain. I put so much effort into school lunches and often they went uneaten. Read..

Kids In The Kitchen!
April 13th 2019
The school holidays are upon us and I think the question parents dread the most is, ‘What can we eat?’ Here are my five best ideas for feeding them and keeping them occupied at the same time! All it will take on your behalf is a little preparation and potentially some clean up! Read..

How Chocolate Makes You Calmer, And More Creative!
April 5th 2019
My love affair with chocolate goes back a long long way, and today I find it is a part of my everyday life in that I drink brewed chocolate every morning almost without exception. It keeps my mood balanced, creates a sense of well being and works very well as an appetite suppressant. Read..

Should I Or Shouldn't I Upgrade To The New Thermomix 6 Model?
March 9th 2019
It's always the burning question isn't it? Is it worth the spend to upgrade to the newest phone, computer, Thermomix, well, anything? But this new Thermomix has me interested! Apart from the obvious larger screen, (which for the older demographic was a no brainer and had to happen) there are a whole host of features you may be interested in that will maybe get under your skin, and yes, get you reaching for your wallet. Read..

Green Smoothie School. No Recipe Required!
March 3rd 2019
The green smoothie revolution doesn't appear to be waning so rather than drink something that doesn't work for you flavour wise, try adopting these Tenina rules! I am dead set against drinking grass clippings, no matter how brilliant they are supposed to be for my health! Read..

My Top Seven Meal Hacks For Busy Families To Save You Time And Money!
February 15th 2019
If you are reading this, I am feeling your pain. The nights and nights (and nights) of meal preparation are endless aren't they? How do you keep it real? Read..

What Is A Thermomix?
January 22nd 2019
Believe it or not, Thermomix the machine has been around since the 1960’s and in fact if you have a look around some kitchens of our older citizens, it is possible that you will find an older version of the Thermomix. Read..

The Very Best Mash, Tips And Tricks
January 20th 2019
There are so many mash recipes out there nowadays, mostly for non potato mash, which is all good and well. I have a load of those myself and to be honest, it could be hard to really tell the difference. Read..

Food Positivity And Healthy Hedonism
January 12th 2019
I have recently been trying to find the phrase that defines me and my philosophy about food in a general way. An online magazine (F-Magazine) wrote an article about me late in 2018 and lo and behold they nailed it. In part. Read..

No Waste Winners
January 5th 2019
Tenina Holder saves money as well as time using her Thermomix to minimise waste and maximise flavour. Read..

8 Christmas Dishes You Can't Do Without.
November 19th 2018
Don't hate me. I don't have my tree up or anything. But I do love to get organised for Christmas way in advance as I find that makes life a little less stressful. This time last year (2017) we were in full wedding swing, getting the family in from all over the world and planning feast after feast, let alone the wedding plans that were afoot. (Think cake, think grazing table, think what do I wear, where do I put everybody, etc etc.) Read..

Drop Smart Kitchen Scale And Me! A New Partnership!
November 1st 2018
I am totally thrilled to announce my new partner in Making Food More, the Drop Smart Kitchen Scale and Recipe App. I have had a Drop Scale for at least 18 months now and I LOVE it. Imagine my excitement to be asked to become a Drop Recipe Partner? YEP, Thermomix recipes of all sorts going up onto the Drop app for all of you out there in Thermo land to utilise, cook and well, make food more! Read..

Entertain Without Strain Or Pain
October 31st 2018
I hate to mention the C word, but Christmas is upon us and with it comes the usual entertaining events, dinners, parties, work do’s ad infinitum. Plus for your foodie friends, there will no doubt need to be some gifting of amazing homemade goodies that you will need to put into the mix as well. And then, after the party season ends, we have the lazy BBQ season to look forward to, all of which require food, and usually plenty of it. Read..

A Couple Of Thermo Tips
October 19th 2018
Tenina was the first ever Head of Recipe Development for Thermomix in Australia and you have probably cooked one or more of her many recipes. Today she is a best selling Thermomix cookbook author, and is not afraid of salt, butter or sugar. She also believes chocolate is a health food. Join her on for great recipes, videos and classes. Read..

Grazing Tables; The How To Article.
October 12th 2018
If you have been to any modern wedding of late, dined at friends homes or spent time at a fancy schmancy cocktail party or engagement soiree you will know that Grazing tables or platters or spreads are the thing right now. And with good reason. They are SO easy to put together once you get your head around the numbers. Read..

My Thai; The Top 25 Thai Inspired Recipes From My Palate To Your Kitchen
September 28th 2018
I love Thai food. Pure fragrant flavours, complex but easy to create, I simply cannot go past a good Thai curry. Give me kaffir lime, coconut cream, turmeric, chilli, coconut sugar, coriander and I am in heaven. In creating this collection I have discovered that I am ready to create an entire Thai does that sound? Read..

The Baker's Dozen Calendar 2019
September 26th 2018
I love a good crusty chewy bagel. YUM. I also love a fantastic cruller (look that one up, it's the May superstar...just in time for Mother's Day!) Or how about pizza that isn't pizza, but is focaccia? Or the only brownie recipe you will ever need? We've done them all in this one amazing little recipe calendar. Read..

That Quinoa News!
September 7th 2018
Adopting a more plant based diet is a goal of many, but it can be tough to know where to start. Vegan food doesn’t have to be bland and tasteless. On the contrary, vegan food can be some of the most flavorful food you’ve ever tasted. By utilizing the intensity of herbs and spices, you can ramp up the satisfaction and flavor profile of any dish. This can especially be true in regards to preparing seeds and grains that are virtually tasteless by themselves. Read..

The Thermomix Butterfly! Tips And Hints
August 30th 2018
We all love the fact that the Thermomix comes with very few add on gadgets. At least I do. Long gone are the days of drawers full of random accessories to go with your varying kitchen appliances, which usually ended up lost or forgotten and largely unused. Thermomixers have but three accessories with which to wrangle. Luckily Read..

Cutting The Mustard!
August 17th 2018
I am a mustard lover from way back. Even as a child I preferred a dollop of mustard on my burnt sausages to the more obvious tomato sauce that my siblings went for. Read..

Bali Foodie Feast 2018
August 14th 2018
I am not sure if you keep up with me on socials or not, but if you do, you will know that I take a foodie group to Bali each and every year. This year of course was no exception. Read on for foodie inspiration and news about how to join next years trip. Read..
My Top Ten Favourite Ingredients I Always Have In My Available In My Pantry.
July 23rd 2018
The Top Ten Ingredients you should have in your pantry I am almost always asked two questions when it comes to what I do. Number one...People often ask me how I get inspired to create recipes, and... Number two; what my favourite ingredients are. That is a hard one...but I have tried to narrow it down to just ten. As you can imagine I have a massive array of ingredients and my pantry is full to overflowing quite often with gifts sent to me by companies or followers for me to try, which I confess, I totally LOVE receiving. Read..

Varoma Therapy
July 14th 2018
I started my paid culinary life creating recipes for a steam oven. So imagine my delight to find out there was a steaming device that came with the Thermomix. I quickly converted a lot of my existing recipes to the Varoma. I was in love. Read..

Three Smoothies That Are Better Than Dessert!
June 15th 2018
Even though smoothies are usually considered to be breakfast style drinks, there is absolutely nothing wrong in whipping up a smoothie for dessert in my opinion. Sometimes it will get you through that naughty sweet craving without you breaking out the deep frier to make your own donuts at midnight...just sayin'. Read..

Pimp My Pantry
June 8th 2018
In my cooking classes I will often ask how long people have had their Thermomix and invariably someone will tell me they consider themselves a newbie. On further enquiry, they may have had their machine for any time ranging from a delivery literally that day to as long as up to a year. Either way, they still claim to be new to the world of Thermomix and are seeking more guidance or assistance to get the most out of their purchase. Read..

Meringue Tips; Or The Secret To Fluff!
May 10th 2018
You will have possibly heard a lot of conflicting stories when it comes to meringue and creating it in the Thermomix. I have a few tips that should make the experience less problematic, though it is a science and things can go wrong with meringue at almost any stage. Read..

Matcha Madness; 5 Reasons Why Everyone Is Going Mad For Matcha!
April 20th 2018

Souping It Up
March 14th 2018
Who doesn’t love a good soup at the right time. There are entire restaurants devoted to just soup...(think Jerry Seinfeld and the Soup Nazi! One of my favourite episodes!) If you love soup READ ON! Read..

Bali Foodie Fest 2017
August 10th 2017
I can barely believe it is August as I write this, which means I have been home (well, back) from Bali for ages...I have been travelling elsewhere, but I digress. Read..

16 Recipe Ideas For An Easter Feast
April 11th 2017
Here are some great ideas to have on your table this Easter. What more perfect time is there than to get the family around and cook some great food together. We have gathered a few of our favourite ideas for your Easter Feaster!! Now get Grandma settled with a GnT, cue the Egg hunt, and get mixing!! Read..

New Ebook: Top 25 Ice Cream Recipes And More!
February 2nd 2017
I love ice cream, sorbet, frozen desserts. Ever since discovering that my dad had created an award winning ice cream recipe when he worked for one of England’s biggest ice cream factories, I have been obsessed with creating (and of course eating) ice cream. The most recent runaway success has been the Killer Vanilla Ice cream recipe that now appears in this new ebook. It originally appeared in my last cookbook, Cooking with Tenina; More great recipes for the Thermomix which is widely available in print and on iBooks. So start your mixers people. You are about to find out that happiness is home made ice cream. Read..

Lamb For Australia Day (With A Pav Thrown In)
January 25th 2017
It is that day of the year when all our minds turn to BBQ's and we get a bit nostalgic and patriotic. WELL, here are some recipes to go with all that. Lamb of course is a must. We have collected a few lamb recipes here for you, from the good ole Burger to an easy curry, which you could cook happily while you lay around a pool doing nothing. Just as it should be. Have a great holiday, and don’t forget the pav! Read..

Five Fruity Cocktails To Welcome The New Year
December 29th 2016
In the spirit of the season I thought we would pull together some of the best...five killer cocktails/mocktails that you can have on hand for the festivities that are just around the corner. Get mixing’s going to be a great 2017 and to see 2016 out, you are going to need at least one of these...with or without alcohol of choice!! Read..

Ten Tasty Temptations Using Christmas Leftovers
December 27th 2016
We all get over it...don’t we? The mad rush up to Christmas Day sees us all feeling a bit tired of the food fuss, and then when we open the fridge after the big event there is SO much food that it can be overwhelming. Well here is your answer. Use it all up, repurpose it all, and don’t forget, wrapping up just about anything in delicious home made pastry makes it a new winner!! Read..

Three Merry Christmix Menus
December 13th 2016
Not one but three delicious Christmas menus all organised for you. All you have to do is write your shopping list and check it twice! The rest is easy... Read..

My Top Five Recipes Using Evoo
November 30th 2016
It’s no secret. I love my Extra Virgin Olive Oil, yes, EVOO. I have been using Cobram EVOO for quite a few years now and I just love it. There are a few different flavours that work well across all of my recipes. Even if you are not an EVOO fan (though how could that be??), you could become one with these recipes. Read..
My New Christmix Mini Ebook.
November 12th 2016
After a crazy whirlwind year that has been 2016, I think we all need to catch a breath and do a little festive planning. And I am here to help you do just that! Read..

Two New Thermomix Calendars
September 15th 2016 when a fan suggested theming my Thermomix calendar for 2017, I was more than happy to oblige, then in trying to narrow it down and with future projects in mind, we ended up with TWO great we did both! Read..
Bali Foodie Feast 2016
June 22nd 2016

Merry Christmix One And Merry Christmix Too...the Printed Books!
October 30th 2015
This year (2015) has been much much bigger than I could have ever imagined at the beginning. I am not going to bore you with the details, but I can truly say things are really on a roll, and so high on our priority list was producing these former ebooks as ‘real’ printed cookbooks for you in time for the Silly Season, which whether you are in denial or not, is upon us! Read..

My Top Twenty Five
September 17th 2015
I would never have thought of this all by myself you know. But one night my husband said to me; Did you know that over 43,000 people were on the Salted Caramel Ice Cream recipe in the last few months? Staggering isn’t it? (Who has not made this yet? Hands up!) Read..

The 2016 Foodie Calendar
August 27th 2015
I don’t mind saying...I do love a good droolworthy calendar. Back in the day, as soon as the calendar stands started to appear in shopping centres, I would stop and spend ages trying to decide which food calendar to keep an eye on. Read..

Bali-Feast 2015 Or Bali’s Top Ten Foodie Events
July 12th 2015
An intrepid troop of 'Tenina Foodies', followed me north to the sunshine in the middle of our Aussie winter for a foodie trip like no other. Not for us the trekking through Kuta markets. We did it in style, leaving no fine dining opportunity unvisited, no new taste, untasted, and no luxurious spa treatment, ummm...un foot, unrubbed. Read..

Merry Christmix Too, Thermomix Ebook!
October 31st 2014
Well my lovelies, when the first Merry Christmix ebook was released, I had big plans to release a new one every year. Oops. But only 2 years later, we have a Merry Christmix Too/Two hit the buy now button, download and print and you are on your way to the easiest, tastiest Christmix ever. Read..

A Break Up Letter To Economy Air Travel
August 30th 2014
SO....if you keep up with me on social media, you will know that I recently travelled to Europe....on Singapore Airlines. Business class. Oh MY! Read..

Souper Bowl, The New Thermomix Ebook From Tenina
June 30th 2014
With over twenty five yummy recipes for thermomix, you will never need to go elsewhere for a soup recipe again! Read..

Ebook: Merry Christmix
January 1st 2014
I love Christmas…and I love all things that come from the kitchen at Christmas time. There is something magical about the wafting fragrance of spices and cookies and roasting meats! There is great fun in all the work of preparing for guests to join in the celebration. I love getting the candles ready, the glasses polished, the cloths ironed and the food all just right. Read..

Thermomix Ebook: What's For Breakfast?
January 1st 2014
I am not a big breakfast person, but when the breakfast recipe requests just seemed to keep coming in via my website, facebook page or emails, I thought it was about time I got down to it and did this book. Read..

The New Ebook - What's For Breakfast?
October 16th 2013
What’s For Breakfast? is out and about and being used. I have had some great feedback already and if you haven’t already downloaded it, off you go. Read..

Top Ten Quinoa Recipes
July 22nd 2013
This is a collection of recipes featuring my favourite grain (or is that seed?) quinoa. Watch for a whole chapter in my new book devoted to this superfood. But for now, try some of these on for size and get acquainted with Kin-Wah! Read..

The Wedding Of The Year!
January 28th 2013
Well finally I have recovered and am getting on here to share all the excitement. On January 12th this year, my daughter Courtleigh, married her sweetheart Cameron and in the lead up I nearly lost the plot on a couple of occasions, but thanks to some amazing people, I survived! Read..

The Amazing Thermomix Forum
October 16th 2012
What to do when I just can’t come up with the goods? Or when I need some support? Or when I wish to go away on a foodie weekend with like mindedThermomix peeps who are equally crazy? Needless to say, I head across the wire to the friendliest bunch of ladies(and gents, Jeff and Den) who all care and share with such generosity, that it beggars belief. I am talking about theForum Thermomix, the place that I found waaaaay back when I was a thermie virgin and absolutely NO clue about what I was getting into. Little did I know I was practically joining a cult!(This is no laughing matter, and I kid you not, get evangelical or you’ll just never fit the mould!!) Read..

Tenina On Pinterest
December 30th 2011
This is a recipe free zone, but I guess that is what happens when I’m away and not internet connected! (Have finally sorted my very personal hotspot on my new iphone…not even Apple tech support could help me! Thank goodness my 16 year old son was looking over my shoulder and after some severe mocking, sorted it!) Read..

Twelve Recipes Of Christmas 2011
December 25th 2011
So from me, to you; and from Cookingwithtenina on Facebook, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. May you all have the time to Celebrate and Bake, and to feel the spirit of the season and may you all look forward to a wonderful 2012. (Cue the Christmas carols here….) Read..

No Recipe!
March 2nd 2010
It’s not that I didn’t cook for a few weeks, (well it kind of is), but it was also that I had an amazing couple of days in Sydney getting to know Mark Best a little…for those of you who don’t know who that is, take a gander at this! Read..

Viva Las Vegas
February 18th 2009
Just a quickie and NOOO recipe I’m afraid, though of course I had to do the Aussie thing and make a Pavlova complete with Kiwi fruit, imported Passionfruit pulp (imported by moi!) blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, ALL available, ALL year round in these United States!! Read..

Cyndi O'meara Rocks (Colloidally Speaking!)
October 21st 2008
Not a recipe post folks...but I had the opportunity this week of spending some time with Cyndi O'Meara. What an amazing person and so entertaining! Her philosophies are totally in line with a balanced life which is something I think many of us endeavor to achieve, and it was great to meet someone who believes in eating as a way to lose weight! Read..

Call For Comment!!
October 21st 2008
The time has come to make yourselves known. Although it sounds a little paranoid, or possibly vain, I have put some thought into leaving this blog up as a recipe resource, but not adding to it...yes, deserting my blog for other pastimes! Read..

American Excess Story!
August 5th 2008
Well here I am, back on Terra Australis...still unpacking, sorting out, recovering, re-adjusting to non holiday life. Had a great trip, and of course took pictures of food. Ate plenty of it...always seeking another taste sensation Read..

Tastes Of Australia.... And A Holiday
June 27th 2008
Thought I should let you all know that my blog may a little quiet for a month or so. I am off to the USA this very night to a University reunion, a family holiday, the obligatory Las Vegas and Disneyland visits and basically as much eating as I can fit in! Read..

Thermomix Revolution!
May 29th 2008
OK…after umm-ing and ahh-ing I finally did it! I don’t know why I waited so long! WOW, what an amazing device. It is food processor, steam oven, induction all rolled into one. Of course there are things that can be done in both the steam oven and on the induction that cannot be done in the Thermomix, but by crikey, I’m in gadget love! Read..

Dear Mother's Day Breakfast In Bed
May 8th 2008
Well we all know it's coming...the dreaded burnt toast with a scraping of butter, some aging fruit salad with bits of skin still on, a cold, slightly undercooked egg, swimming in bacon grease, and possibly a lukewarm coffee or milo! Yes, Mother's Day breakfast in bed. Sit up and ENJOY! Read..

Top Ten Drizzles No Cook Should Be Without
May 3rd 2008
Now I know a lot of people think I talk drizzle, but on this occasion, I'm not referring to a weather pattern, a grumpy child or something you should really see a doctor about, but those amazing little additions to certain dishes that just seem to add pizazz and a little flair. Read..
The Secret to Family Meals; Night after Night.Bone Broth; What are the benefits?
Our Spicy Set
The Humble Crumble
Cake and Food Positivity
Why Eat Gluten Free if you are not a Coeliac?
Why Turmeric? Because you want to live healthier for longer!
Getting the Kids on School Lunch Duty!
Kids in the Kitchen!
How Chocolate Makes you Calmer, and More Creative!
Should I or Shouldn't I upgrade to the new Thermomix 6 model?
Green Smoothie School. No Recipe Required!
My Top Seven meal hacks for busy families to save you time and money!
What is a Thermomix?
The Very Best Mash, tips and tricks
Food Positivity and Healthy Hedonism
No Waste Winners
8 Christmas Dishes You Can't Do Without.
Drop Smart Kitchen Scale and ME! A new Partnership!
Entertain without Strain or Pain
A couple of Thermo Tips
Grazing Tables; The How To Article.
My Thai; the Top 25 Thai Inspired recipes from my palate to your kitchen
The Baker's Dozen Calendar 2019
That Quinoa News!
The Thermomix Butterfly! Tips and Hints
Cutting the Mustard!
Bali Foodie Feast 2018
My Top Ten Favourite Ingredients I always have in my available in my pantry.
Varoma Therapy
Three Smoothies That are Better Than Dessert!
Pimp My Pantry
Meringue Tips; Or The Secret to Fluff!
Matcha Madness; 5 Reasons Why Everyone is going Mad for Matcha!
Souping it up
16 Recipe Ideas for an Easter Feast
NEW ebook: Top 25 Ice Cream Recipes and more!
Lamb for Australia Day (with a Pav thrown in)
Five Fruity Cocktails to Welcome the New Year
Ten Tasty Temptations using Christmas Leftovers
Three Merry Christmix Menus
MY Top Five Recipes using EVOO
My new Christmix mini ebook.
Bali Foodie Feast 2016
Merry Christmix One and Merry Christmix Too...the printed books!
My Top Twenty Five
The 2016 Foodie Calendar
Bali-feast 2015 or BALI’s TOP TEN FOODIE EVENTS
Merry Christmix Too, thermomix ebook!
A Break Up Letter To Economy Air Travel
Souper Bowl, the new thermomix ebook from Tenina
Ebook: Merry Christmix
Thermomix Ebook: What's for Breakfast?
The New Ebook - What's For Breakfast?
Top Ten Quinoa recipes
The Wedding of the Year!
The Amazing Thermomix Forum
Tenina on Pinterest
Twelve Recipes of Christmas 2011
Viva Las Vegas
Cyndi O'Meara Rocks (Colloidally Speaking!)
Call for Comment!!
American Excess Story!
Tastes of Australia.... and a Holiday
Thermomix Revolution!
Dear Mother's Day Breakfast in Bed
Top Ten Drizzles No Cook Should Be Without