Air Fryer Mediterranean Flat Breads

Serves many Prep Time 5 minutes   Cook Time 8 minutes   Rated: Print
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Super easy and really quick when you have an AirFryer in tow! We did both, pizza stone and air fryer. Just for you! Clearly you are going to love it!

These Air Fryers are crazy! A flat bread in 8 minutes or less. Made to order, veggies fully cooked. WOW.

You can make to order, the kids can do their own, imagine after school snacking sorted forever.

But I can of course do them in the oven on a pizza stone too, and if you are feeding a crowd I can only recommend that version. They too are quick once that stone is heated up sufficiently.

SO...easy peasy, bit of playing has been going on in the Test Kitchen thanks to the arrival of an Air this space. (DO you have one? Please leave a comment below if you would like to see more Air Fryer recipes on here!)






This recipe can be made in an air fryer or oven. Preheat air fryer to 200°C. Or preheat oven to 220°C, heating up a pizza stone if you have one.


Make EVOO Fridge Dough. Half a batch will make 4 flat breads. Reserve the other half of the dough as instructed in the recipe.


Roll out 4 x 150g dough balls and top with vegetables, herbs, drizzle of EVOO and a pinch of salt.


Cook in the air fryer for 8 minutes.


Cook in the oven for 8-10 minutes.

Bree is a mum who has always loved cooking and baking and became a big Tenina fan when she got her first Thermomix. She was on the very first foodie trip as a customer and hasn't looked back, working for Tenina for over 5 years as a recipe tester and developer, branching out into video master for all of Tenina's lives! She still runs her baking business, creating amazing cakes and macarons for her customer list.