Ten Tasty Temptations using Christmas Leftovers
Ten Tasty Temptations using Christmas Leftovers
The go to page (pin it now) for when you have left overs to use up! Get on to it lovelies. Thermomix at the ready!
We all get over it...don’t we? The mad rush up to Christmas Day sees us all feeling a bit tired of the food fuss, and then when we open the fridge after the big event there is SO much food that it can be overwhelming. Well here is your answer. Use it all up, re-purpose it all, and don’t forget, wrapping up just about anything in delicious homemade pastry makes it a new winner!! Cook Once Eat Twice takes on a whole new twist!
Here are a few of my top hits to help you get rid of that food stash. You will be surprised as to how easy it is to clear that fridge just in time for New Year. Thermomixers! Start your engines.
Don't let the after Christmas blues get you down ever again
More from Thermomix for Christmas

Tenina Holder
Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!