Three Smoothies That are Better Than Dessert!
Three Smoothies That are Better Than Dessert!
Dessert doesn't have to be eaten with a spoon, it can be had at breakfast time as a smoothie!
Even though smoothies are usually considered to be breakfast style drinks, there is absolutely nothing wrong in whipping up a smoothie for dessert in my opinion. Sometimes it will get you through that naughty sweet craving without you breaking out the deep frier to make your own donuts at midnight...just sayin'.
This website is replete with smoothie recipes and I even have a Smoothie Couture Book out that stars my fave flave boosters, doTERRA oils. Most of them are dessert worthy, generally because I am not big on smoothies that taste like mulched lawn clippings. I cannot do it; just because it is 'good' for me doesn't mean I am willing to compromise on flavour. All of my smoothie recipes are good enough to drink! (Or have as dessert!)
Get Soothied with Smoothies!
Looking for the best smoothie recipes out there?
But before I wow you with my dessert smoothie selection, a few smoothie tips. Throwing in the contents of the veggie drawer and a few dates plus some sort of icy fruit component does not a smoothie make!
SO, first up, limit the ingredients to around a max of 5. You will find if you go all out and just add everything and anything, the flavours will be muddy, it will look pretty hideous and yes, the drain in your kitchen sink may end up loving it more than the family.
Secondly, always use a fat of some sort, whether it is avocado, coconut oil, a creamy coconut milk, or dare I say it, an ice cream. Fat carries the flavour and you will also have a creamy mouth feel which is always more pleasant than the mulch we mentioned earlier.
Thirdly but very importantly, think of keeping a clean colour palate in your smoothie. SO, if you are doing a red smoothie, clearly berries, beetroot, and other whiter options are the go. If you are going green, then heck, let green ingredients shine. Orange, of course, go with the carrot, the orange juice, the turmeric etc.
Last but not least, do not under estimate the value of sweetener of any kind; (dates, maple syrup, banana, honey, coconut sugar), or salt, or vanilla. You know I have a flavour balance your smoothie with these 3 elements.
That brings me to my dessert-ey smoothies.
Get your Smoothie Couture on
With the most elegant smoothie selection
ONE: It's green, and it does have avocado in it, but it also has ice cream, which if you make it yourself, you will still find reasonably healthy! It is certainly dessert worthy!
Avocado Vanilla Mint Shake; OK so I even called it a shake...well, it is dessert. Sort of. I love this one. The combo of flavours is just delicious and screams summer to me...(It is winter as I write this, but I am trying to channel my inner summer persona!)
TWO: our beautiful orange smoothie; Golden Tropical Chia Smoothie Now this really is good for you, and it tastes good enough to be dessert as well. Don't delay. Get it on your must do list. (see recipe above)
THREE: Berry Good Smoothie I do love a red smoothie...why are we so stuck on green for pete's sake?? Go red. Red loves you just as much as green. There are some amazing properties in red ingredients. So get on it kids. Dessert is served, in a glass, with less washing up!
There you are: Soothie Smoothies all over the place. Go get the Ultimate Smoothie Chart from my store for endless variations of creative smoothies!
Seeking Smoothies?
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Tenina Holder
Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!