Killer Vanilla Ice Cream

Serves 10 Prep Time 2 hours   Rated:
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The Whole Scoop

THE most amazing Thermomix ice cream recipe out there. No kidding. No need for a churner, or a re-mix. Straight from the freezer, this is scoopable!

This recipe is very special. (If I say so myself.) I love it. The method is brilliant. (Again, if I say so myself!!)

What's more if you look at the back of a carton of ice cream and see the very long list of ingredients, some of which are not recognisable as foods, then this FIVE ingredient recipe should be top of your list if you love ice cream!

It makes the most elegant scoop of ice-cream straight from the freezer and I LOVE it. The recipe now appears in all of my most recent cookbooks in one way or another. It is that good. I am using the idea or method for so many other things now, you will start to see it show up in all sorts of places. Especially the Insider Club...which I take it you are member of? NO? Get that sorted here straight away, the best value you can get as a Thermomix kidding.

There are two other ways to gain access to this recipe; You can purchase our Top 25 Ice Cream recipes ebook HERE and you are off and running.

OR, you can join the best online ice cream course available on the web today! The Whole Scoop is churning now and anytime you feel like creating ice cream, you have access to this recipe and 100's of others. (You do get a discount for this course if you are an Insider...again with the Insider Club...seriously, stop questioning and come on in!)

Then hit social media with your creations, so we can all drool!

Here are just a few recipes that use this as a base many options so little time!

Vegan Killer Vanilla Ice Cream

Keto Vanilla Ice Cream Base

Rum Raisin Ice Cream

Hokey Pokey Ice Cream

Golden Gaytimes

Salted Caramel Meringue Ice Cream

Killer Coffee Ice Cream

Ice Cream Eton Mess






Place egg whites and cream of tartar into Thermomix bowl and whip 5 min/37°C/Butterfly/speed 3/MC off.


Add sugar a spoonful at a time through hole in lid as you whip 6 min/50°C/Butterfly/speed 3/MC off.


Whip 20 min/Butterfly/speed 3/MC off.


Place Thermomix bowl into the fridge, with the Butterfly still in place. When the bowl is completely cold, place back into the machine and add vanilla and cream. Whip 20-40 sec/Butterfly/speed 3 or until soft peaks form.


Pour into insulated containers for freezing and place into the freezer for several hours.


This ice cream has the most beautiful texture straight from the freezer. If it separates into 2 layers that is because your freezer is not cold enough or your container is not insulated.

1000's of recipes that work Join us today and start cooking!

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This recipe can be seen if you sign up for the related course. Join the course to get access!

The Whole Scoop

Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!