Date Caramel Sourdough Loaf with Coffee
This amazing loaf will convert you to making your own incredible sourdough bread if you are not already a convert.
I have not made this recipe exclusive to the The Lazy Sourdough Bakery online course as I loved it so much, I think you should all give it a whirl. If you haven't joined the sourdough course yet (why not?) then perhaps this loaf should be the reason you do, so that you learn how amazing it is to bake your own sourdough on demand with limited fuss and fiddle. If there are terms in this recipe that you do not understand, by all means email me to ask the questions, but seriously consider joining the course as this will make you a dough pro!
This is a high hydration loaf, so a little sticky and somewhat difficult to handle, but persist as the texture of the finished bread is completely amazing.
You need a healthy Sourdough Starter to make this loaf. You also need a batch of the amazing Date Caramel that I recently created for other deliciousness.
I baked my loaf in a cast iron Dutch Oven, which is highly recommended for a great sourdough crust. BUT not essential. Other tools that are great to have are my favourite things bread mat (which if you don't have, how in the baked goods have you been getting stuff done??) and a lame, or razor blade.
This is super delicious toasted with loads of melty butter dripping down your wrist and chin, late at night when the munchies hit!
Ready Set Bake!

- 1 Batch Date Caramel premade Recipe
- 160 Grams Sourdough Starter Recipe
- 400 Grams filtered water
- 3 Tablespoons ground coffee, (espresso fine grind)
- 1 heaped Tablespoon raw sugar
- 500 Grams bakers or strong flour
- 13 Grams fine grind salt
- 1
Premake the caramel well in advance.
- 2
Place all other ingredients into the Thermomix bowl and blend 10 sec/speed 6. Allow to sit in the bowl for 10 minutes.
- 3
Knead 1 min/dough setting/Interval. Turn out into a container you can cover and rest for 6 hours or longer as needed until it is clearly active with large bubbles forming.
- 4
Spread the dough on a well floured bread mat into a rectangle shape and spread the date caramel liberally across the dough right to the edges. Be gentle with it, dimpling it much like a focaccia.
- 5
Shape the loaf gently using the pull and fold technique and allow it to rise in well floured banneton until bubbly and you can see that it is ready. This may take up to 4 hours or more.
- 6
Preheat the Dutch oven in the oven to as high a temperature as your oven will allow (I have a 275°C setting which is what I always preheat on.)
- 7
Use some baking paper, tip your loaf onto the paper and score the top using a lame or razor blade. If you don't do this the loaf will find the path of least resistance and burst the top of the loaf.
- 8
Transfer the loaf to the heated Dutch oven and turn the temperature down to 220°C. Bake loaf covered for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake a further 25 minutes or until sounding hollow when tapping the centre of the loaf.
- 9
Cool for at least 20 minutes before digging in. If you try and cut it earlier you may ruin the amazing texture of this loaf.

Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!