Ice Cream Eclairs

Makes approximately 20 Prep Time 1 hours   Rated:


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The Whole Scoop

WELL, when you get a little bit fancy and you are feeling the instagram vibe, we suggest you give these a red hot go.

You will need a little patience, but they are simple enough for most people to create, especially if you already have the eclair part down. Watch the video, get the kids involved and you will be impressing the next time you need to show off your cooking skills.

We used the EVOO ice cream recipe, I think this is quite a good consistency for piping without being frozen in the beginning. If you wanted to use Killer Vanilla, and it's variations, it will also work quite well.

Then the creative part is up to you! What is your flavour fave?

Lime Coconut Butter Chips

Nutty Honeycomb Bark

Almond ‘Praline’ Addiction

Flowers, sprinkles, freeze dried fruit, chopped nuts. We love them all. Have fun!

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The Lazy Sourdough Bakery course now baking.

The Whole Scoop Ice Cream course is churning now!


  • 1 Batch Choux Pastry Piped into mini eclair or profiterole shapes Recipe
  • softened ice cream of choice
  • 400 Grams chocolate melted. We used dark, gold and strawberry Callebaut callets BUY
  • decorations eg; sprinkles, chopped nuts, dehydrated fruits, coconut flakes



Prepare both the eclair pastries and the ice cream you plan on using well in advance of wanting to serve.


Cut a small hole in the middle of the flat side of eclairs (this is where you'll pipe the ice cream in).


Using a piping bag with a small circle nozzle, pipe ice cream into each eclair until they feel full. Insert a pop stick in the end of each eclair. Freeze for at least 2 hours or until very solid.


Dip frozen eclairs into melted chocolate, place on a paper lined tray and decorate as desired. Return to the freezer in an airtight container until ready to serve. CUTE!

This recipe can be seen if you sign up for the related course. Join the course to get access!

The Whole Scoop

More Icecream

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