Nutty Tempered Chocolate Easter Eggs

Make on Fresco
Depends on your mould size Prep Time 10 minutes   Cook Time 20 minutes   Rated: Print
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Not perfect, but delicious. Make your own Easter eggs this year and learn tempering in the Thermomix at the same time! You're welcome.

This method of tempering chocolate is called seeding. You are adding already tempered chocolate (with all the good crystals in it) to melted couverture and then you should therefore have tempered the entire batch of chocolate! You must start with couverture chocolate or this will not work! SO....please make sure you purchase Callebaut if possible...which I believe is available at Costco!

Have fun with the filling. You could really add just about anything. I just chose hazelnuts and honey roasted macadamias from Macadamias Australia. You could go with nut butters, other nuts or lollies of choice! Hoppy Easter my lovelies. Do something great with your kids during these troubled times...this would be a perfect project!




  • 350 Grams chocolate dark milk 54% or above BUY
  • 50 Grams chocolate in addition BUY
  • 100 Grams roasted nuts of choice, roughly chopped
  • food grade gold or silver powder



Place the 350g chocolate into the Thermomix bowl.


Melt chocolate 15 min/50°C/speed 2/MC off. Stop part way through and scrape down sides of bowl as required. Check that no chocolate is stuck on top of the blades.


Add the extra 50g chocolate into the melted chocolate (not on top of the blades) and stir 10 min/speed 1/MC off.


Stop occasionally and push the chocolate back down into the base of the Thermomix bowl as required.


Dip the tip of a spatula into the chocolate and leave it on a silpat mat at room temperature. It will start to lose its high sheen quickly and look very satin like if tempered correctly. It should set within minutes. If it is not ready, keep stirring with no heat 1 minute at a time then test again.


Stir the chocolate as needed whilst it cools on speed 1.


Pour into moulds of choice, if using Easter egg moulds, roll the chocolate around the outside of the mould making sure you get as need a top edge as possible. (Do what I say, not what I do!) Fill with nuts and push them into the chocolate, drizzle with any remaining chocolate to hold them in place.


These should set within 10 minutes in the fridge and drop right out if tempered correctly. Please read the notes.


Decorate with just a brush stroke of gold or silver dust using a clean eyeshadow brush.

Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!