Chocolate Ganache Mille Crepe Cake

Serves 12-16 Prep Time 2 hours   Cook Time 20 minutes   Rated:
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A very decadent and elegant cake that is extremely easy to make as long as you are good at cooking crepes...It can be gluten free if you use buckwheat

I have made a few of these types of cakes in my time. I love them. They are very impressive, totally easy and really delish. You just need a bit of patience in the making of the crepes, some discipline in not eating the crepes and you're there. It is that easy! Time is required. You can do this over a couple of days. Make the crepes and then assemble one or two days later for example.

Oh and a good crepe pan will help. My new toys from Lodge Cast iron included a FANTASTIC crepe pan that I totally invest. It makes the entire process a lot easier.

You can replace the dairy cream and milk with coconut cream and milk. There will be zero difference, just maybe a slight coconutty taste which is quite delicious.


Try some of our other crepey recipes...we are pretty sure you will love them too:

Basic Crepes

Buttermilk Crepes

Traditional Citrus Crepes

Black Forest Crepe Cake

Lemon Pash 'N' Mango Crepe Torte

Salmon Crepes with Lemon Cream Sauce






Pre-make both batches of the crepes and cool completely. You will need to try and get them to be as uniform in size as possible.


To make the ganache filling, place all ingredients into Thermomix bowl and melt 6 min/50°C/speed 1. Stop and scrape down sides of bowl as needed, to make sure the callets of chocolate are all combining.


I have added sugar to the ganache because I used dark chocolate. If you are using milk or a dark milk, you may wish to reduce the sugar or leave it out completely. Just be warned this is not a sweet dessert at all.


Stir the ganache to combine completely after the time has finished using your spat-ooh-lah-lah.


Dollop a little ganache onto the centre of the serving plate you will assemble the cake on.


Lay the first crepe onto the ganache, then top with ganache filling, another crepe and so on, repeating with all the crepes and filling. Try to keep the cake central, as you build it or it can become difficult to cut.


Cover the cake with plastic wrap and place a plate on top, with a weight of some sort, like a tin of beans or something similar. Leave it for at least an hour in the fridge, longer if possible.


Place all the topping ingredients into the Thermomix bowl and melt 5 min/50°C/speed 1 again making sure all the chocolate is combined in the cream. Stir again as required. It should be glossy and quite thick. Add melting time if required.


Pour over the centre of the crepe cake. Keep refrigerated.


When ready to eat, whip the 300g cream with the remaining sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form. Spread onto the centre of the cake, top with plenty of berries. Allow it all to settle in the fridge again for around 20-30 minutes before serving.

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Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!