American Layered Salad

Make on Fresco
Serves 4-6 Prep Time 5 minutes   Cook Time 15 minutes   Rated:

This salad is from Sarah Moran who worked with me for several years and hails from the USA originally. So it was natural that this recipe show up in my Tenina's America cookbook. Thanks Sare. I LOVE this salad. I remember similar salads from my time in the USA and I always loved now you can too. It will travel really well, can be stretched to feed the 1000's over summer and it also lasts pretty well in the fridge for at least 3 days. I think it needs to be made in advance by at least one day to get the best results from the flavours blending together. Don't worry about the lettuce going soggy, it really won't....can you feel the summer vibe?? Hoping so.


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  • 100 Grams Bacon, finely diced
  • 200 Grams Tasty or cheddar cheese, cubed
  • 1 Egg per serving
  • 1 Iceberg lettuce, sliced
  • 3 Ripe tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 Red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 small cucumber, sliced
  • 200 Grams Frozen corn kernels
  • 200 Grams Frozen peas
  • 300 Grams Easy Thermomix mayonnaise (approx 1 batch) Recipe
  • 200 Grams Sour cream
  • 1 Bunch Fresh chives, snipped
  • 2 Teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • pink salt flakes and freshly ground pepper to taste BUY



Fry diced bacon in a fry pan until crispy. Set aside to cool.


Grate cheese in the Thermomix bowl (max. 150g at a time, 10 sec/ speed 9). Set aside.


Rinse Thermomix bowl and place eggs into simmering basket. Pour 500g water into Thermomix bowl, insert simmering basket and boil eggs 14 min/Varoma/speed 4. Immediately immerse boiled eggs in an icy water bath to cool. Once cooled, peel and slice.


Measure even quantities of mayo and sour cream into a mixing bowl, add snipped chives, Dijon and seasoning to taste and mix thoroughly. Set aside.


Assemble salad in individual mason jars or cylindrical containers, or if making one large salad, a preferably see-through container. Begin with the iceberg lettuce on the bottom and layer the vegetables in the order listed, finishing with the sliced egg, cheese, mayo mixture and bacon pieces. Press down on each vegetable layer as assembling so the salad is compact. Cover and refrigerate to completely chill a few hours or even overnight.


Other vegetable suggestions: sliced raw mushroom, grated carrot, diced red/orange/yellow capsicum, purple cabbage, alfalfa or snow pea sprouts, spring onion...choose your faves! Layer vegetables alternating different colours for the prettiest end result.

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