Choccie Milk with Peanut Butter

Serves 3=4 Prep Time 15 minutes   Rated: Print
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Super quick and delish, little kids and big kids alike will love this one. Protein shakes are so simple and keep little tummies happy.

Portable, quick and packed with nutrients, protein shakes can be a mums best friend and the ideal fuel for kids who are always on the go.

If you’re worried about your child not getting enough protein from their meals, protein shakes are a wonderful way to pack in some protein along with a bunch of other healthy vitamins and minerals.

Before or after school I am always trying to get some goodness into the kids wherever as I can. This one in particular is a favourite in the house for all of us! Super quick and easy also. Sometimes the boys will have this just for breakfast or as a quick cold drink after school before the washing up and dinner is sorted. For something quick easy but somewhat good for their little tumtums here it is!






Place all ingredients into Thermomix bowl and blend 30 sec/speed 5 or until well combined.


You can add more or less ice to taste in order to get the consistency you'd prefer.


And it's that easy! Enjoy!

Served with

Daughter of Tenina, Courtleigh is artistic and creative almost as much as her mother. She has two young children is an aesthetician by trade but has mastered the art of hiding goodness in food for her children. The successful nights has given her that warm and fuzzy feeling knowing her kids have something good in them! So she is here to help all those raging mammas out there that need assistance in smuggling goodness in their child diet not matter what it is.