Fried Eggs in Caramelised Cream

Serves many Prep Time 1 minutes   Cook Time 3 minutes   Rated:


These eggs call for nothing fussy, probably you have the ingredients in the fridge as I write. Promise me you will get up right now and go and make yourself some. They require no fussy hollandaise with its inconvenient leftovers. The sauce created by caramelising the cream is very similar to hollandaise without the fuss. If you are eggacting eggy person, you will love this recipe. There is something very satisfying about an egg that is perfectly cooked isn't there?

We eggspect you will eggree!

(Oh and the toast isn't burnt, we used the Charcoal Sourdough Boule with Cheese which I had just made the day before. Go and get on that train immediately! YUM.)

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Place cream and seasoning into a flat frying pan on a medium high heat and cook until just bubbling.


Add eggs in all together, they should fill up as much of the pan as possible, so base your egg count on the size of your pan. Add more seasoning if you wish.


Cook until the whites of the eggs are just setting. Cover the frying pan and turn off the heat. Allow to rest until the egg yolks are cooked to your liking.


Serve immediately with toast, butter, chives. SO good.

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