Gingerbread Cake or Parkin

Makes 1 large loaf Prep Time 15 minutes   Cook Time 1 hours   Rated:
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The most delicious and moist ginger cake ever. It will keep for ages, as long as you don’t eat it of course!

When I was a child my mother would make this cake in huge slabs especially for my Yorkshire dad I guess as that it where this recipe originated. We loved it too, and I only recently found out it is supposed to be eaten on Guy Fawkes night, which of course is no more. (I also remember my dad making a fireworks show for us each Guy Fawkes night back in the day. Talk about a fire hazard!) I also note that my mother's recipe is missing the oats...which apparently are very traditional in this cake too.

It is a lot better when wrapped up in cling film, without the frosting, and kept in a tin for a least a week (maybe three weeks!) as it just gets more and more sticky and moist. 'Parkin' is the official name and I have added a lemon frosting on top, which is completely unofficial (not to mention the flavour bombs of doTERRA oils in this recipe!) and my Yorkshire ancestors may disown me for that. But who can resist lemon and ginger??

Make it, patiently wait for it...if you possibly can and then enjoy!

Try some of our other family style quick breads or cakes in the meantime:

Date And Honey Loaf

Lumberjack Cake

Lemon Loaf Cake

Lemon Sourdough Cake

Victoria Sponge Cake





Butter a large loaf tin with butter. Preheat oven to 180°C with steam. If not using a steam oven, place a tray of water on the bottom shelf of your regular oven.


Place milk, treacle, almond extract and all dry spices including grated tonka bean, into Thermomix bowl and heat 3 min/70°C/speed 1


Add the vanilla and doTERRA oils. Whip 10 sec/speed 8.


Add the sugar, butter, eggs, baking soda and powder to Thermomix bowl and blend 10 sec/speed 8.


Add flour and incorporate 22 sec/Interval/dough setting Finish combining with a spatula if necessary.


Pour batter into prepared dish and steam bake 30 minutes until springing back when you push the edge with your finger.


To make the frosting, combine the 50g butter, sugar, lemon juice, zest and lemon oil in the Thermomix bowl and blend 8 sec/speed 8. Scrape down and blend again 6 sec/speed 6. Spread on the cold cake, garnish with lemon slices if you wish.

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Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!