Gingernut and Roasted Almond Chocolate Bars

Makes 8 bars Prep Time 15 minutes   Cook Time 30 minutes   Rated: Print
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A deliciously easy treat, cue the doTERRA oils again. I am in love with the flavour hit that you get from these amazing essential oils. Get on them!

I do love chocolate. (You should know that about me already!) And as Christmas approaches I am more inclined to feel less guilty and more motivated to use it in more recipes...lucky you! I also have been completely falling in love with my dōTERRA culinary oils and am just using them more and more. AND, I do happen to have THE best chocolate moulds on the market available in my store. So the combo was pretty natural.

I have only held a couple of Christmix classes this year. I really have been too busy for my own sanity and I have to say having the classes was a joy and puts all the crazy into perspective for me. I love seeing the people who make what I do real. To meet and greet ‘fans’ for want of a better term is just a real pleasure.

But I digress, I decided to create a couple of unique chocolate bars for one of the classes to see whether my peeps would be into my chocolate ideas...I am still thinking deep down that I need to start making chocolate bars and selling them. (A girl can dream!)

So this was one of the yummy creations. And I must say, an all star stand out winner! Go and make, and then leave me a thank you note below!! Merry Christmix. 2016






Slow roast the almonds by placing them onto a baking paper lined tray and into a cold oven set to 160°C. Roast for 30-35 minutes or until fragrant and crunchy. Sprinkle them with a little bit of salt whilst they are still hot. Cool completely before adding into the chocolate.


Place chocolate and cacao butter into Thermomix bowl and chop 5sec/speed 8. Scrape down sides of bowl.


Melt 30 min/37°C/speed 1. Check part way through that the chocolate on the sides of the bowl is well incorporated.


Add ginger oil and stir 10 sec/speed 3.


While the chocolate is melting, make sure you give your chocolate moulds a good polish with a cotton wool ball or strong paper towel.


Pour some chocolate into each mould and tap gently on the bench to level and to get chocolate into the corners of each mould. Break up the cookies and place pieces into the chocolate. Push a few almonds in around the cookies. Overfill rather than under fill. It looks better.


Drizzle the remaining chocolate over the top of the cookies and almonds to anchor them into the bars. Again tap the moulds firmly on the bench to level. Place into the fridge until set.


If you are using the chocolate moulds from my store the chocolate will just drop out as you tip the mould over.


If you are gifting these, you need to use silicone or disposable gloves to handle the chocolate so as to prevent fingerprints from spoiling the glossy finish.


Wrap and/or enjoy!

Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!