Marzipan Stars

Makes a lot (depending on size of cutter) Prep Time 5 minutes   Cook Time 15 minutes   Rated: Print
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Make your own marzipan quickly and easily with this recipe. Use the raw marzipan to decorate a cake, or cut into shapes and bake for marzipan cookies.

I have almost always loved marzipan. I think as a small child I was a little wary of the bitter almond marzipan that is common in Europe, (but I love it now!) But as I grew a little older my mother would make marzipan herself and we would sit around the kitchen table creating little fruits and vegetables out of this amazing edible play dough. They were carefully crafted and just so pretty. On a recent trip to Europe I saw a lot of them in patisseries and chocolate shops...they are still charming and like a magnet to me.

This marzipan recipe is simple, and so delicious, and can be formed into the fruits I refer to, but on this occasion I have baked them into cookies of sorts. It is quite ok to leave the almond essence out, but I love it left in. They are great as a topper on a mince tart. Homemade of course! I hope the fragrance of the baking marzipan stars will evoke some Christmas past memories in some of you at least. Enjoy.






Preheat oven to 160ºC.


Place sugar into Thermomix bowl and mill 10 sec/speed 9. Set aside.


Place almonds into Thermomix bowl and mill 15 sec/speed 7.


Add remaining ingredients including milled sugar and mix 40 sec/speed 5 with the aid of the spatula. If the mixture is sticky, add a little more cornflour.


Roll the mixture onto a Silpat mat or piece of baking paper that is dusted in cornflour.


Cut into star shapes with a cookie cutter and place on a lined baking tray or on top of mince tarts. Bake for approximately 10-13 minutes or until lightly golden.


The unbaked mixture is 'raw' marzipan and can be used to make tiny marzipan fruits or to decorate a cake.

Blanch the almonds yourself in your Thermomix by covering them with water in the TM bowl and heating 4 min/Varoma/Reverse/speed 1.

Served with

Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!