Lactation Choccie Cookies
Boost Your Milk Supply Naturally with These Easy and Delicious Homemade Boobie Bickies!
OK, not the most romantic of titles, and I did toy with ‘Boobie bickies’ (we are in OZ after all…and we love to add ‘ies’ to any word that can conceivably hold it!!) but being the grandmother that I am and more mature as a result (HA) I went with the more traditional…though ‘Choccie’ just slipped in there…did you notice? If perchance you are reading this recipe and thinking, 'well I would love to make it but am not breast feeding a child at this time'…rest assured, you will not suddenly discover a milk supply that you weren’t wanting after indulging in these…but they are supposed to be helpful for mums who are feeding, to keep up their milk supply. What more could you want in the middle of the night than to nibble on a boobie bickie whilst your little one is feeding? The best excuse you ever had frankly….I added some caramel chips to the batch I made as well, which are now available in supermarkets….probably not the best health food around, but baby won’t complain! I think the best thing about these is the fact that when you mention the name, suddenly teenagers and husbands are wary….so they might last longer! (In theory!!)
Lactation cookies are specially formulated with the idea they help breastfeeding mothers boost their milk supply. They typically contain key ingredients such as oats, brewer’s yeast, and linseed, all of which are believed to support milk production due to their nutrient-rich profiles. Making them yourself allows you to control the quality of ingredients, ensuring they are fresh, wholesome, and tailored to your dietary preferences or restrictions. Homemade lactation cookies are also cost-effective compared to store-bought versions and can be customised with flavours like chocolate chips, dried fruit, or nuts to suit your taste. By baking them at home, you also avoid unnecessary preservatives and additives, making them a healthier choice for you and your baby.
Here are some other delectable treats you could nibble on in the middle of the night (whether you are feeding a bubba or not!):
Festive Nut, Chocolate And Pretzel Mix

- 40 Grams linseed
- 80 Grams water
- 2 Tablespoons brewers yeast
- 180 Grams butter cubed BUY
- 300 Grams dark brown sugar
- 1 Teaspoon vanilla bean paste BUY
- 260 Grams plain flour BUY
- 2 eggs
- 20 Grams brandy (optional)
- 300 Grams rolled oats
- 250 Grams chocolate callets BUY
- 250 Grams caramel chips (if you want... do it!)
- 100 Grams nuts of choice
- 1
Preheat oven to 180°C and line 2 large baking trays with paper.
- 2
Place linseeds into Thermomix bowl and mill 10 sec/speed 10.
- 3
Add water and blend 5 sec/speed 4. Remove from bowl and set aside.
- 4
Place yeast, butter, sugar and vanilla into Thermomix bowl and mix 20 sec/speed 4. Scrape down sides of bowl and repeat if necessary.
- 5
Add linseed mixture, flour, eggs and brandy and mix 20 sec/speed 4. Remove mixture from bowl and place into a very large mixing bowl.
- 6
Add oats, chocolate chips and nuts and mix through by hand…well spatula.
- 7
Using a small ice cream scoop or two spoons (the mixture is quite sticky) place dollops onto prepared trays.
- 8
Cook 15 minutes until golden around the edges.
- 9
Repeat with remaining mixture, OR, roll into long sausage shapes wrapped in baking paper and freeze. Slice and cook in preheated oven as directed.

Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!