Well we all know it's coming...the dreaded burnt toast with a scraping of butter, some aging fruit salad with bits of skin still on, a cold, slightly undercooked egg, swimming in bacon grease, and possibly a lukewarm coffee or milo! Yes, Mother's Day breakfast in bed. Sit up and ENJOY!
OR: Get the kids and or husband onto this blog and cooking some easy but YUMMY breakfast for Sunday, they'll enjoy it too!
Firstly, check out some Overnight French Toast. And if the worst comes to the worst, you could actually organise this yourself...and all they have to do is stick it in the oven, OR, if you are really clever and have a "Start Later, Stop Later" function on your oven (all Kleenmaid ovens but one have this function) you can set it yourself and then the kids just have to serve it! EASY.
If you are not much of a sweet tooth, try Gratin Egg Cups with some toast (unburnt if possible!) and hot coffee, YUM!
Of course, a breakfast blog would not be complete without some reference to Pancakes and I think I have it well covered here!
If you are running out the door and Breakfast in bed is not your thing...you can pre-mix this lot and just bake in the morning. Friands the trendy muffin of the 'Norties' (Yes that's the 2000's) are so delicious that you will not be able to stop at one. Of course, berries are a healthy choice, but try adding choc chips, macadamias, replacing the almond meal with polenta, the sugar with grated parmesan, and then add sun dried tomatoes, olives etc etc. for a savoury twist.
If you are throwing caution to the winds and getting off the diet yo-yo, (at least for ONE day) try something more decadent from my What's For Dessert ebook...but I suspect that you may have to be making these yourself...or for your mum, if you really need an excuse!
Have a great Mother's Day, and may your toast be buttered right to the edges!