Pizza Quesadillas

Serves 4 Prep Time 2 minutes   Cook Time 5 minutes   Rated:
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The perfect last minute dinner that the kids can help with. Get these into little tummies in less than 15 minutes from start to finish! Delish.

This is my idea of the perfect fake away! The kids can do it themselves, they'll definitely wolf them down and you can be cleaning up in the time it took for them to walk them to the table! SO quick. We shot a bunch of videos with kids late last year and this is one of them. The kids are so cute. Hope you enjoy!

Try some of these other easy recipes with your kids. They love cooking and then eating of course!

Cacao Coconut Bliss Balls

Choccie Milk with Peanut Butter

Princess Frozen Smoothie Bowls

Cheesy Chicken Nuggets

No Bake Chocolate Cookie Balls

Almond Chunky Monkey Nice Cream






Place cheeses into Thermomix bowl and mill 10 sec/speed 8. Remove from bowl and set aside.


If working with the kids, give each of them their own wrap or tortilla to work with. Otherwise lay them out on a work space.


Spread each with a little tomato paste. Top with enough cheese that everything will stick to the tortilla.


Add toppings of choice, without overdoing it as the more filling there is the more difficult it is to wrangle!


Add a bit more cheese to the top of everything then fold the tortilla in half.


Heat EVOO in a frying pan to a medium high heat. Fry each quesadilla until golden on each side and the cheese has melted.


Cut in wedges and serve immediately whilst still hot, though left overs are pretty awesome!

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Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!