Vanilla Thriller Slice

Serves 16 Prep Time 48 hours   Rated:
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This is the master recipe combining all the other elements of this amazing cake, originally created by Adriano Zumbo. Also appears in For Foods Sake.

I am not going to lie, this one is worth the effort. I first made this many moons ago when still working at Head Office Thermomix in Australia. I did it as sort of a challenge after it appeared on Master Chef season one. A challenge indeed, and it did very nearly reduce me to tears. I was on the phone to Adriano for several occasions to ask him one question or another. We finally got through a version of his cake, which was totally delish. This one, is not quite is cake, as I have simplified and made as much of it in Thermomix as is possible. There are several recipes that make up this cake. To be honest, you can very easily make most of it in advance and then just assemble when ready to eat. And eat it you will.

It became the birthday cake of choice with my kids, and this recipe does appear in For Food's Sake in full.

SO: Here are my hints and tips for assembling this cake in the best and easiest way possible.

1. Use a 20-22cm tin with a removable base. Unless you have a silicone cake tin that will allow you to get good tight neat edges.

2. Make the Pure Almond Paste and Almond Praline Paste well in advance. You can also premake the Brown Sugar Crumble in advance. Up to a month is even OK.

3. When ready to make the cake, start with the Vanilla Almond Dacquoise, which can be made at least a day before everything else, even 2 days.

4. Make the Vanilla Almond Crunch and spread on top of the cooled dacquoise. Refrigerate the lot.

5. Make the Vanilla Ganache and spread.

6. Finish with the glaze.

7. Watch this video before making the cake. Then watch it again!

8. You don't have to glaze the cake. BUT, it is a bit special with the glaze.




  • You need to pre-make all the ingredients as listed above.



Cut the Vanilla Almond Dacquoise to fit the base of the tin you are using. I now bake the dacquoise in a square tin with a removable base and don't bother cutting anything.


Spread Vanilla Almond Crunch on top of Dacquoise in the tin. Smooth top with a wet silicone spatula. Refrigerate.


Spread Vanilla Ganache on top of the Crunch and smooth well wet silicone spatula. Push plastic wrap on top of the ganache and refrigerate until you are ready to glaze.


Unmould the cake and make the glaze. Working quickly spread over the cold cake. Allow to set.


Use a very clean, sharp knife to tidy up the edges (shame, you will have to eat those) and serve in slivers.

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Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.

Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!