When you can use an AirFryer for chips, well, why wouldn't you? Pretty quick and pretty delicious. Get your aioli repertoire sorted. You'll need it. We are mid AirFryer ebook project, and we thought you deserved a little peek. Chip recipes with airfryers are everywhere but we worked out THE best way to get the most delish authentic result. I am sure you will agree...and you can do the pre-cook waay in advance. You are ready....chip shop opening soon!
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- 3 potatoes, peeled and cut into chips
- 20 Grams Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) BUY
- 2 Pinches pink salt flakes BUY
- 1/4 Teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1
Peel and cut potatoes and plunge them into ice cold water for 30 minutes. Pat dry with paper towel.
- 2
Place in a bowl with EVOO, salt and paprika. Toss together.
- 3
Preheat Air Fryer to 190°C.
- 4
Place in Air Fryer and cook for 13-15 minutes.