Caramelised Milk Powder

Makes plenty Prep Time 1 minutes   Cook Time 20 minutes   Rated:

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Caramelised milk powder is to baked goods, chocolate and ice cream what Umami is to savoury dishes.

Think about it. Milk powder is basically the dehydrated milk solids that are found in butter, and caramelising them is akin to the nice tasty bits that appear in brown butter that I always bang on about. Brown butter is one of the miracles of dairy in my book. You can add so much flavour without adding any other ingredients, purely through creating beurre noisette first before cooking your normal recipe containing butter.

Caramelising milk powder is easier, it removes the fat from the equation and thus you can use it in many ways, think ice creams straight off!

We have created this recipe as a tool for you to arc up the flavour profile in your ice creamery! Use as you would a flavour booster such as vanilla, add to the base mix in tablespoon amounts. Keep this powder in a sealed jar in the fridge for up to 3 months for best use.

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  • 200-300 Grams full cream powdered milk



Preheat oven to 160°C and line a baking tray with paper.


Spread the milk powder across the paper and place into the oven for 20 minutes, stirring it frequently, every 4-5 minutes. It will caramelise around the edges first, so bring the edges in and under each time you stir. Store in an airtight jar in the fridge until use.

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