Margarita Cheesecake

Serves 8-10 Prep Time 30 minutes   Rated:


Who doesn't love a little sweet ending to a meal? This recipe is pretty cute, if we say so ourselves. We love the rimmed glasses, the flavours are next level and the pomegranate jelly just finishes it off perfectly both with a pop of colour and a brightness of flavour.

We also love the simplicity of this and it is just a little bit naughty.

Try some of our other many cheesecake recipes if this one does not suit!

New York Cheesecake

White Christmas Cheesecake

Classic Lemon Cheesecake

Raspberry Cheesecake Brownie

Italian Ricotta Cheesecake

Honeycomb Chocolate Cheesecake

Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake

Jaffa Steamed Cheesecake

Italian Citron Meringue Cheesecake!

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Pre-make all the components well in advance of serving. It can then just be put together very quickly onto plates as needed.


More Sweets

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