EVOO Dipping Plate

Serves many Prep Time 5 minutes   Cook Time 15 minutes   Rated:


You really can thank me for this one! It is soooo easy and really impressive and super adaptable to all and any of your dietary/guest requirements. WE are loving it!

I saw a few versions of this doing the rounds on social media and given that I am in love with the award winning Aussie EVOO from our friends at Great Southern Groves, I knew that you would love this idea to use your yummy EVOO! I am of course dreaming up other flavour combos. I will definitely be doing this for guests in front of them, a show and a yummy dish, the next time I have any!

My caution for this recipe is that you definitely need a great tasting EVOO, such as the one from Great Southern Groves.

Then if you have problems with lactose, leave out the cheese, vegan, leave out the cheese and anchovies. Nut allergy? Replace almonds with something like sunflower seeds that will not cause an issue. It is so easy to adapt to your needs!

This is based on the Tuscan Almond Pesto ingredients, a little, with some additions. But imagine the possibilities?


Hey Pesto! in spoonfuls on the EVOO, with the addition of pine nuts, and more grated parmesan and fresh basil leaves.

Humita Dip then serve it with corn chips instead. Add some pickled jalapenos to the EVOO.

Spinach and Artichoke Dip broken down and added as components...this idea is a game changer.

I cannot wait to see where you go with this idea. It is not dissimilar to our Pepe Saya Bruschetta Butter Board which was also a recent fad from social media. This one is more of a keeper I think...don't you?

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Place almonds on a tray and into a cold oven set to 170°C for 15 minutes. Cool and chop.


Meanwhile, pour a generous amount of your VERY good quality EVOO onto a serving plate. You will add to this as you go along, so be aware of that.


Add all remaining ingredients other than salt flakes, chives and bread cubes. Add the chopped almonds as well. Push around on the plate carefully (you want it to look nice) to incorporate all the flavours. If you are using the anchovies, make sure you give them a good squash to break them up.


If you wanted to use the Thermomix to chop all of these ingredients together you could do that, then add it to the EVOO. But I like the rustic look of hand chopped ingredients, plus no bowl to wash!


Add some more EVOO on top and the salt flakes and chives. Serve with the bread cubes.

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