We are more than confident you will love this recipe. Make it. Freeze it. Drink it. Drizzle it. We like it as a milkshake syrup, for Italian cream sodas, drizzled on French Vanilla Ice Cream or Killer Coffee Ice Cream and then served with a little Gingerbread tree, man, heart, cookie on the side. You will need it for our upcoming Mocktails of Christmas selection...so best get on it now.
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The Lazy Sourdough Bakery course now baking.
The Whole Scoop Ice Cream course is churning now!
- 125 Grams butter BUY
- 125 Grams cream BUY
- 250 Grams dark brown sugar
- 1 Tablespoon vanilla bean paste BUY
- large Pinches pink salt flakes BUY
- 1 Tablespoon ground ginger
- 1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 4 Drops doTERRA wild orange oil or orange zest BUY
- 1 Drop doTERRA cardamom oil or a pinch of ground cardamom
- 1 Drop doTERRA black pepper oil or ground pepper BUY
- 1 Drop doTERRA clove oil
- 1 Drop cinnamon bark oil BUY
- 1
Place all ingredients into the Thermomix bowl and cook 12 min/Varoma/speed 2.
- 2
Pour into a glass jar.
- 3
This sauce makes THE best Christmas latte!! 1 tablespoon of the sauce in the Thermomix with 300 grams of milk 4 min/70°C/speed 5.