Top Ten Thermomix Money Saving Ideas
Top Ten Thermomix Money Saving Ideas
Using a Thermomix can help save money in various ways due to its versatility and efficiency. It may seem like a big spend and it is initially, but if you compare it to the price of a good quality oven, and then look at how often you use it vs how much you use an oven, there is really no comparison.
We have been making ingredients from scratch for years and encourage our subscribers to do so, thus making more of your appliance. We are not affiliated with Thermomix in any capacity, but we love ours and want you to love yours, and with our guidance we believe you will wonder what you ever did without it!
Here are the top ten ways to save money using a Thermomix:
- Cooking from Scratch: The Thermomix can help you make SO many items from scratch, such as bread, pastry, yogurt, butter, and even baby food. This reduces the need to buy pre-packaged items, which are often more expensive. I even make my own pasta on the regular because it is too easy (and tastes way better than the dried stuff!)
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- Reducing Food Waste: The Thermomix allows you to use up leftovers and food scraps efficiently by making soups, sauces, and smoothies, minimising food waste and saving money.
- Cook Once Eat Twice: You can prepare large quantities of meals in advance, which saves time and money by reducing the frequency of cooking and the temptation to order takeout.
- Homemade Cleaning or Personal Care Products: You can use the Thermomix to make your own cleaning and skin care products, which can be cheaper as well as environmentally friendly.
- Fakeaway and Convenience Foods: With the Thermomix, you can quickly and easily prepare healthy and delicious meals, reducing the need for expensive takeout and convenience foods. We have so many recipes for favourite takeaway and treats like Twisties (and even a recipe for Coke), on here that we wrote the book! Literally.
- Making Your Own Snacks: Create homemade snacks like, cup cakes, muesli bars, crackers, and dips and yes, even chips and corn chips, which are cheaper and so much healthier than store-bought options. You can feel confident you are both saving money, and keeping the family in better shape.
- Cooking with Cheaper Cuts of Meat: The Thermomix can tenderise tougher, cheaper cuts of meat with its slow cooking options, allowing you to create delicious meals without spending on premium cuts. We also have a few cracker recipes that show you exactly how the experts tenderise tough meat with less stress and mess!
- Make your own Basic Pantry and Fridge Ingredients: Having a well-stocked pantry and fridge is like money in the bank. With basic supplies on hand, you'll be equally prepared to put together a family-friendly meal or a last-minute dinner for friends. The trick is figuring out what to stock up on and what you will probably never use. Then naturally, when you are the proud owner of a Thermomix appliance, there are literally 100's of everyday items you can make yourself, with zero additives! Our Shelf Control course aims to give you shelf control and is packed with every recipe you could need to sort your shelf out!
- The course is free with Insider Club Membership.
- Entertaining Without Less Expense: Have you bought a dip lately? Were you disappointed? I admit I am a snacker and the salty, crunchy, dippy style things get me every time, but we have found that purchased dips are such a waste of money, and with less taste and more additives, that I really cannot buy them anymore. Check out the many choices and all for less money and more taste, thanks to your Thermo!
- The Versatile Appliance, Save Money and Cupboard Space: As someone who likes a tidy kitchen, the clincher when I bought my Thermomix originally was that I didn't need a rice steamer, food processor, blender and so on. I could reduce the stuff in my cupboard, (sold them all) and save $ on upkeep and haven't bought an appliance since. (Well, not quite true, there was that amazing Ice cream churner I rave about!
- But you get it! Using a Thermomix can be a significant money-saver due to its multifaceted capabilities and efficiency. By enabling you to cook from scratch, reduce food waste, and batch cook, the Thermomix helps cut down on grocery bills and the need for takeout. Its energy efficiency and ability to replace multiple kitchen appliances further reduce costs. Additionally, making your own cleaning products, snacks, beauty items, nut milk, yoghurt, breads etc not only saves money but also promotes a healthier lifestyle. With the ability to buy in bulk and utilise cheaper ingredients, the Thermomix proves to be a valuable investment that pays off through consistent savings and improved quality of life.
More from Save $ with your Thermomix

Tenina Holder
Tenina Holder is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of eight, who started cooking in the olden days before Thermomix was even a thing.
Tenina has become the premium go to source for all Thermomix expertise and of course fresh and easy recipes that work. Her cooking classes and foodie trips are sold out in literally hours, her cookbooks appear on the Australian best seller lists and her social reach is in the millions. Her Insider Club is the most fun you can have with a Thermomix and you really should join her! She believes chocolate, butter and salt are health foods. Her food positivity mantra is, eat everything, just not all at once!